Parenting is a tough gig.
If you have a child - or if you're going to have a child - you are aware that parents can be quick to judge one another about choices made. Because everyone is different, everyone's parenting style will also differ. The idea of providing rewards to children for positive behavior, is one that divides parents - so we would like to offer you some pros and cons.
*Rewarding creates the expectation that every time a child behaves appropriately, something external will be given. This can lead to meltdowns, and general confusion in young children.
*External rewards can promote external motivation for "doing the right thing" vs. the internal motivation of doing what has been expected.
*Rewards are often junk food based, which can lead to unhealthy eating patterns in adulthood.
*A cumulative reward system can provide a longer-term motivation for a child who is working on modifying certain behaviors.
*Rewards can be experience based, which offer opportunities to create lasting memories with family members. Be careful that you're not basing all your coffee dates, trips to the movies and family outings on behavior, as this may feel as though bonding is conditional.
*Young children, or kids who have delayed development can benefit from the concrete nature of a reward system as a stepping stone towards more intrinsic behavior management plans.
Decide what works best for your family, and always keep the big picture in mind.