Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Who we are & What we do

Have you ever been to a foreign country, where you can't understand or speak the language? 

The feeling is alienating: little nuances that you should be able to understand suddenly become unattainable. You feel awkward. It's near impossible to make friends, and the few "friends" that may take pity on you are unable to form deep, lasting connections with you until you both learn to speak the same language. That's if you both can manage to eventually make it onto the same page. 

Sadly, some people live life like this in their own country, with their own language and in their daily environment. All people need help with something in life, and some people just need a little more help than others. 

This is where we come in. 

At Kahlon Family Services we are passionate about early intervention. We provide professional services throughout the San Francisco Bay Area (and beyond) to assist children and families to function at their very best. We meet families where they are at, physically and emotionally, conducting client sessions in homes, schools and the community. Our services range from one-on-one social skilling, academic tutoring and life-skilling, to classroom shadowing, to in-home consultation therapy for strengthening family bonds. We provide home/school liaison for families in crisis with children whose behaviors may seem out of control - all with the goal that each child and family may eventually function  richly and independently without services.

Company owner, Vanessa Kahlon (click on the link for Vanessa's Linkedin Profile) also pioneered YEAS - Yoga Education for Autism Spectrum - a program developed to help calm, center and encourage personal growth for individuals with Autism. Vanessa conducts weekend training sessions for people wishing to teach the YEAS program, all over America. The program is supported by extensive research, years of experience and backed by families and schools throughout the nation. One family that Vanessa has worked with partnered with the YEAS program to develop yoga props for sensory integration, including weighted items and scheduling tools. Having a child with Autism helping develop a product line helps him gain experience in business, but also brings a family together with a goal of helping other families. (We will feature a blog post on this family as soon as their website is up & running.)

So, welcome to the Spectrum Blog. We look forward to posting funny, honest and helpful material that will help your family to grow strong and healthy. We welcome any suggestions for blog post topics, and aim to update the site once or twice a week. We know that raising a family is a huge job within itself, let alone a family with special needs.

We take off our hats to you, brave parents - remember that life is about a journey rather than a destination. 

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