Monday, August 4, 2014

Back to School

It's that time of year again! In a few short weeks our kids will be back at school - and with school comes transition, early mornings and new routines. If you're feeling a little stressed out by that thought, we have some ideas to keep you sane in the meantime. 

(1) Look after yourself
You are not doing yourself any favors by neglecting your self care. As parents, you need to make sure that you are sleeping as well as possible, eating right, taking a break (when you can) and pursuing some interests outside of caring for your children. Learn to spend at least 10 minutes a day doing something you like, and getting to know yourself better. 

(2) Look after your relationship
Cultivate your romantic life! Remember why you got together with your significant other, and spend some time falling in love all over again. With that love, you will parent your children in a more powerful way. Be a strong team!

(3) Involve your kids in the preparations
If you are covering school books, writing names on materials, sticking name tags on lunch boxes - involve your kids! This is all part of the back-to-school process. You will help create a smooth transition by talking about new schedules, and driving by the school. Give them all the information they need ahead of time, and monitor any anxieties that may be coming up. Now you have time to work through them. 

(4) Start waking your kids up earlier and going to bed on time
Circadian rhythms help the body to know when to eat, sleep and wake up. Give your kids a head start by getting their bodies into the school routine by waking them up at their school day time, giving them meals at the times they would eat during the school year and having them go to bed early. This is going to be unpopular with older kids, but at least 3 days of this routine will benefit them tremendously when school goes back. 

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