Wednesday, January 6, 2016

5 Parenting Books to Save You From Sinking

(1) Transforming the Difficult Child: The Nurtured Heart Approach 

This book is all about ditching labels, and understanding why some children find themselves addicted to negative behaviors. At the core of The Nurtured Heart Approach is the idea that giving our most animated responses to positive behaviors will increase the likelihood of the child forming more productive behavioral habits. One of the greatest parts of this book is the acknowledgement that many mainstream parenting ideas fall flat with certain kids, because they respond so differently to typically developing children. If you've tried everything - this is the book for you. 

(2) The Explosive Child

"But even with my admittedly slow progress, my son's progress was STUNNING. We went from daily screaming fits to definite improvement (a day without any fits) in THREE DAYS. On day three, he stopped himself in mid-vaporlock and started to calm himself down on his own! He needed help to complete the process, but I was so thrilled, I cried." 

- Heather Petit, Parent of a formerly Explosive Child (Review on Amazon) 

This book might just save you from losing your mind. If meltdowns are a daily thing in your household and you feel like you're close to the edge of what you can handle, please read this. 

(3) The Out-of-Sync Child 

Touted as the unofficial textbook for parents and teachers of kids with SPD, this book will help you understand what the heck is going on when your child with SPD is having a hard time. Understand why they hate the tags on their shirt, food with an unexpected texture, seams on socks, the sound of a leaf blower... the list goes on. Limit your frustration by expanding your knowledge of their situation. 

(4) How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk 

We know people who have changed their entire teaching and parenting styles to align with the advice given in this book. Learn to communicate in a way that is mutually beneficial, and avoid the power struggles that come with parenting. 

(5) Temple Grandin: How the Girl Who Loved Cows Embraced Autism and Changed the World 

When Temple Grandin entered the world, there was little known about Autism. Parents of children with Autistic symptoms were blamed for being cold and neglectful, supposedly causing their child to be disconnected from the world around them. Thankfully we understand far more about Autism these days, and know that Early Intervention is key. Temple Grandin took the lemons that life dealt her, and made some fantastic lemonade. This isn't a parenting book, but it may help you navigate the journey. 

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